
News Celebrating Matariki 2022 23 JUNE 2022

As Matariki rises, we come together to reflect on the year that has passed, celebrate the present and plan for the future. Friday 24 June marks the first public holiday for Matariki and the start of many new traditions for our immediate families and whānau across Aotearoa.

At Connetics, we have been coming together to share what we are thankful for, whakataukī, and our goals for the year ahead. An activity that has highlighted the importance of taking time to come together to share and be present.

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa
Let us keep close together, not wide apart

However you choose to celebrate, have a safe and enjoyable Matariki day ahead. Mānawatia a Matariki! ✨