HR Team

News Connetics named HR Team of the Year 23 APRIL 2024

Our Head of People and Culture, Mark Lewis, has picked up his second accolade in a month – the NZ HR Director of the Year Award - at the 2024 National HR Summit!

Since Mark joined our team in 2022, his visionary leadership has left a significant impact. His approach has helped Connetics win the war for talent, increased opportunities for women in the sector, and contributed to reduced turnover and increased employee engagement. His dedication is laying the groundwork for Connetics' long-term vision of a cleaner, brighter future for Aotearoa.

Chief Executive, John Thompson says the impact of Mark’s work will be felt for years to come. “Mark is a leader of strategic thinking and he’s proven his worth ten times over. He is an expert at balancing priorities between building for the long term while supporting the immediate needs of individuals and the organisation.”

Mark's recent win follows his March victory, where he was honoured with the Leadership Award at the 2024 HRNZ Awards.

To top it off, our People and Culture Team also secured the title of HR Team of the Year!

Over the past 12 months, our dedicated team has implemented bold and innovative solutions to secure and grow our workforce. From redesigning our recruitment processes to leveraging data for workforce planning, their strategic approach has been essential amidst the energy sector's greatest challenge in history - the surge in demand brought about by decarbonisation.

Chief Executive, John Thompson commends their efforts, stating, "Thanks to them, we’ve navigated the talent shortages and emerged stronger, more resilient, and better positioned for future growth.”

You can learn all about it in the video below.